Well, it's been a year that I've been playing the part of the Big Gun.
Has it suited me well? Well, my image/branding is certainly out there. God knows I've paid a fortune in development, web design, advertising, email blasts, merchandise and all the ancillary stuff that goes along with it.
So, did it work? Have I gotten more work from it? Has the ROI (return on investment for all of you not in the business of business). Ummmmm my answer is: A heartfelt, resounding "Gee, I don't know????" I'm not making a million dollars yet...so in that capacity...NO.
So, what's a voice over/former ad guy supposed to do?
Yep, I put a survey out there to 6,000 folks who receive my monthly email blasts.
Out of those who responded - the general consensus - was hey, it's OK.
Don't get me wrong, there were a few naysayers who thought using a gun in any marketing in this day and age was a big mistake...but its a SHOTGUN microphone. Thus the tie-in. Hello?
Then there was the comment that if you're going to call yourself the "Big Gun" you'd better be able to back it up.
Well, I'm not a household name but I've done my share of National work over the past 23 years...Let's see, just off the top of my head and in alphabetical order: American Airlines, Amtrak, Antinori Wines, Anekena Wines, Audi, Buick, Bosch Electronics, Buick, Carhart, Colgate, Coors Beer, Chevrolet, Credit Suisse Banks, DHL, DreamWorks, ESPN, Ford, GM, GMC, Hooters, McDonalds, Michelin, Munder Funds, OnStar, Putnam Publishing, Qwest, Sony Playstation, Verizon, Verizon Games, Vtech Games and Xerox.
Pretty good resume.
Than there was the comment about only Don Lafontaine could be considered the Big Gun! Nnnnnnnnot so fast. I knew Don - I mean we didn't hang out together, but we exchanged pleasantries. Not only did he like the idea, he told me he was going to steal it. (In a good natured way of course! He was a really kind man and respected fellow voice people).
Anyway, all tolled there were more positives than negatives.
So, do I throw away a years worth of effort and more importantly money to start fresh?
Maybe. What's your opinion?
Hey I've done the whole RCA Victor thing...it sucks so don't suggest it.
Simply go here and fill out the survey for yourself
Peace out.
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