Today, everyone is fearing where their next check is coming from. Right? Especially in the voice over business.
There is more competition than ever, less work, P2P sites with national spots that pay $350! Talent agents that won't give you the time of day...
And speaking of which, I have been courting a very well known LA agent for sometime. I finally just said - "hey lets cut the crap...what is the deal? Are you going to sign me or what?"
And this is the reply I got!
Reprinted without their permission:
"...Let me start by saying your demos are great. But, given where the VO marketplace is at this point in time, we are focused on pursuing more opportunities for our current roster of talent. Keeping our clients happy and taking on new ones is a very fine balancing act. The reality is any new people we do sign right now bring ongoing bookings with them. That creates momentum and gives us something to talk about when pitching them. As you know, it’s a battle zone just to get copy these days..."
So take heed everyone looking for a new agent or your first one. This is now the current stock answer.
I tried 3 times to post a reply but I'm not sure it's working. I'm going to post my reply in LinkedIn...
ReplyDeleteRebecca Michaels