Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Client I Just Can't Seem To Get

As a voice talent/on-camera talent. I've been auditioning for the Michigan Lottery for going on 14 years now. That's right...14 years of reading copy about every game the Michigan Lottery has come up with. Last year, I put my foot down and told my agent in Detroit. No more. Do not ever
send me another Lottery Spot to audition for...ever. If you think you want to...don't! Just walk away and tell them I've got a conflict...Like 14 years of wasting my time.

As an aside, over the last 4 years - that's 4 years. I have been the voice of the Florida Lottery, Colorado Lottery, Georgia Lottery, Indiana Lottery and Missouri Lottery. Just to prove I can do LOTTERY!!!
Well, a buddy of mine who owns a film company shot me an email the other day, replete with a storyboard and script...for...you guessed it! THE MICHIGAN LOTTERY. I explained my past 14 year record - A million scripts...0 wins...A million losses. Nonetheless at his urging and his direction of "do whatever you want!" I proudly bring you this...my on camera audition of a shlub who just won a million dollars, yet is still a shlub. So enjoy. I mean hell, I put a half days effort into it, why shouldn't someone else get a kick out of it? Ohhhh and although everybody loved it...needless to say...Yeah - the Creative Director nixed it...I'm guessing, probably cause it wasn't his idea. Whatever dude...whatever. My days of Michigan Lottery Auditions are done! Really...I mean it!


  1. Nice. I feel that way about a few. Sometimes it's the IDC attitude that will get you the gig. They should run this on the Speed & Hunting channels. (Or Hunting on Speed channel) You'll be a star.

  2. Greetings, Ed! I laughed as I read your intro to this story as I, too, have auditioned time and again for Michigan Lottery spots! I've begun to wonder whether someone actually WINS them.

    Your video totally rocks, and I guess I've got lottery fever 'cause I'm betting that it will somehow bring some work and payola to you! I've learned that creating our own work invariably does attract the clients.

    Thanks for a good story and laugh, and best wishes for your continued success! Oh, and once you morph into Jackie Johnson with all your rich celeb friends, will ya please introduce me to my fav Barry Manilow?

    Karen Commins
