Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Straight Shootin' with the Big Gun: Webisode #13 FAB GEAR!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Looking for a talent agent? Don't bother there's no vacancy at the Inn!

Today, everyone is fearing where their next check is coming from. Right? Especially in the voice over business.
There is more competition than ever, less work, P2P sites with national spots that pay $350! Talent agents that won't give you the time of day...
And speaking of which, I have been courting a very well known LA agent for sometime. I finally just said - "hey lets cut the crap...what is the deal? Are you going to sign me or what?"
And this is the reply I got!
Reprinted without their permission:
"...Let me start by saying your demos are great. But, given where the VO marketplace is at this point in time, we are focused on pursuing more opportunities for our current roster of talent. Keeping our clients happy and taking on new ones is a very fine balancing act. The reality is any new people we do sign right now bring ongoing bookings with them. That creates momentum and gives us something to talk about when pitching them. As you know, it’s a battle zone just to get copy these days..."
So take heed everyone looking for a new agent or your first one. This is now the current stock answer.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I'm The New Voice of WEDU Tampa, St. Pete, Sarasota!

Finally some good voice over news to share! I was awarded a one year contract with WEDU TV - Tampa, St. Pete, Sarasota as their new station voice

Monday, October 5, 2009
Voice Work Hats! NEW LOW PRICE

Wow! We're Blowing Them Out! We've still gotta clear our inventory of 150 hats! So we've slashed the price! Now just $19.95!!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
To change my image or not to change it? That is the question!

Well, it's been a year that I've been playing the part of the Big Gun.
Monday, September 21, 2009
John Boy...we hardly knew ye'

If you watched any football this past weekend, chances are you saw a plethora of national car commercials. Car commercials voiced by some very familiar voices! The endless Hyundai spots voiced by the Big Lebowski himself, Jeff Bridges. Very undude like.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Voice Auditioning. It's all about shifting gears!

This voice is for hire. In fact, all actors’ voices are for hire—or should be. Voice-overs offer a great opportunity for actors to get extra work, even full-time work.
Author Randy Thomas is America’s most recognizable female voice announcer—she even announces the national television broadcast of the Academy Awards! Author Peter RofĂ© is New York City’s top voice-over coach—he teaches actors to sell their voices for every possible voice-over purpose.
Together they explore all the ins and outs of this exciting and lucrative field: auditioning, making demos, training, marketing, script interpretation, animation, radio promos, narration, live announcing, and more. Want to get your mouth in the door and keep it inside once it’s there? Sure you do.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Voice Over Specs - To read them or not to read them that is the question

Voice Over Specs. They are the bane of every voice talent's worst nightmare. Specs are how a client or producer perceives - in his or her mind - how copy should be delivered. And in order to explain what they mean, they put these "Specs" down on paper.

"We want an announcer who is authoritative and credible, able to build rapport and trust with the listener. The announcer should also be persuasive and compelling, able to convince the listener to act."

1. Deep dramatic voice, authoritative delivery. Similar to John
Wayne or Sam Eliot. But we are not looking for a parody or a sound alike
2. Looking for a Deeper voice, Kelsey Grammar -like. Very Announcer like, witty
and sarcastic. Male.
3. Need someone to deliver copy like Mike Rowe, (Dirty Jobs), George Clooney, (Budweiser) or Morgan Freeman (Visa)
Nnnnnnk - which one is it? Rowe, Clooney or Freeman? And if you're such a big, important national company - why not actually hire those guys instead of a cheap imitation.
Looking for someone with a lot of energy, ability to pump up a crowd. Should feel the smiles in his delivery. Natural sounding, not the announcer type.
Male, 30-50yrs old, weather man sounding. Direct, quick read
So, what's a weather man sound like?
And yet still others pretty much sum up that the Client/Producer doesn't know what he wants, but he'll know it when he hears it.
Should be 30-40's male, caucasian sounding, with a slightly caring tone but heavy handed with it. Please do two takes, one lighter than the other.

Looking for a cross between angry direct and happy caring read. No announcers. Comedic timing and gruff. Could be English, African American, Male/Female.
Ummmm huh? Throw some Albanian Transvestites in their and I think we've covered just about everybody!
So, I guess the best we can do as Actors is interpret the copy in our own way. And deliver it the way we feel it should be done. End of story.
Friday, September 11, 2009
What better way to self deprecate than with Out Takes and Bloopers!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A New Logo Idea. My identity crisis.

Recently, I started kicking around the notion that my marketing efforts just aren't working. God knows I've spent a fortune creating and promoting myself as the Big Gun. The notion that came from the fact that I've been doing advertising, marketing and voice work for over 20 years. I mean the logo was created by the same Hollywood design and movie poster company that created the graphics and movie posters for everything from Billy Elliot to Sideways to The Wrestler, not to mention the Raiders of the Lost Ark franchise. There was the photo shoot in LA, the travel, the website design, the business cards, letter head...on and on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Client I Just Can't Seem To Get
Back to Work Summer's Over!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Some Happy Fans! Thanks for the Kudos

Letters from some more satisfied customers (viewers)!
Hi Ed,
Last week I was in the studio working on another audio book for a legal publisher. When the engineer and I took a break, I decided to show him the webisode you did in your buddy’s studio – “Studio Etiquette”. He enjoyed it so much we ended up watching all your webisodes! Then it was back to work!
Tim MacLean
I like your Webisodes, Ed. I'm certain they take a bit of effort and probably eat up bandwidth $$$.
Thank you,
Steve Hammill
Ed, you rock! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and experience.
Lauren CrossSweet information Ed, you are saving me a lot of time and hassle....THANKS!!!
Arturo La paz
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Straight Shootin' with the Big Gun Book
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Straight Shootin' with the Big Gun Webisode #10 Branding
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The things we get to do in this whacky business

So, today was another good day. And it's always a good day when you're doing voice work. Interestingly enough, today's assignments were voices for an interactive ride - like you'd see at a fair, and a voice over for a machine that makes dog tags. "Soldier, insert your money now!" and "Be Brave! We're Counting on You Soldier!" Huh...who knew. But work is work right?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Doing The Greatest Voice Work Overseas - Can't Get Arrested Here!

Monday, August 31, 2009
On The Radio!

So, today was interesting. I was interviewed live from Barbados on 94.7FM, by my good buddy Arturo Valentino, in honor of the anniversary of the great Don La Fontaine's passing.
We must still be in the recession!

It's not even 12 noon and fortunately I've done 4 voice sessions. That's a good thing. I mean it is the end of the month and people are trying to get the last bit of budget spent?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tell the world what you do! And help kids at the same time!

Well the good news is - we sold out of our first run of hats...so thanks to everyone for that. The better news is the new shipment arrived from the factory today! So, what are you waiting for???
Friday, August 28, 2009
More Screaming! Infomercial Day
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Voice Over Delivery - Screaming vs. Talking

I just finished my first session of the day and man is my throat killing me! The direction from the client was - hard sell, fast pace, loud. Can you guess what kind of spot we're talking about? Yep, car dealer.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Today it's all about the auditions!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Working and Learning about new technologies at the same time - what a gig!

One thing about this voice over job stuff, one of the best things is learning about new technologies. Not recording technologies for the voice, but the technologies I am voicing. Today, I recorded a series for a company in Denmark called Inbacom. They take hay - yes hay and convert it into Ethanol simply by cooking, extracting and processing.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Straight Shootin' with the Big Gun Webisode #9 Recording Studio Etiquette
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hitting the road!

Well, it's Thursday the 20th, 5:30am and I am hitting the road and heading up to Detroit, my home town to spend time with friends for my birthday. I'll be stopping by my old haunts and to lay down a new webisode of Straight Shootin' with the Big Gun...Coming up - Recording Studio Etiquette - wow spelled that right! At least that is the plan at the moment.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Linkedin Working Voice Actors Group hits 1000 members!

The idea was a simple one; bring together voice actors working in the voice business to share thoughts and exchange ideas on the business of voice work.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Straight Shootin' with the Big Gun Webisode #8 Scoring an Agent

Straight Shootin with The Big Gun Webisode #1 Getting Physical

Straight Shootin with The Big Gun Webisode #5 How to Get More Work

Straight Shootin with The Big Gun Webisode #2 Your Demo

Webisode #1 Pay to Play Sites

Voice Work Hats - Available Again!

Over Exposure

Boy was I wrong! They feared I was too out there and was devaluing myself as one of their clients.
What with my Voice Actor Group on Linkedin, my Straight Shootin' webisodes on Itunes, the Reality TV show I've been writing, The accompanying book, The Facebook groups. The Youtube posts, The Twittering...the Voice Work TV Show Hats I've been selling, promoting and donating proceeds from. My monthly newsletter blasts. My networking, traveling, mentoring, tutoring, demo producing.
So, that being said, I have pulled myself from just about everything to see if my stock goes up. I am for all intents and purposes. Dead in the Water.
I'm betting no one really cared then, and no one will care as I slowly fade into digital oblivion. I am certain it won't make a difference.
So, that being said we shall see.